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Advanced Bioinformatics Solutions for Pathogen Genomics

Accelerating the implementation of genomics technologies for actionable insights

Our Trusted Partners

Why Choose Theiagen Genomics?

We are a dedicated team of experts  determined to enhance public health outcomes through the innovative implementation of NGS and bioinformatics technologies. Together, we draw upon experience from academic, governmental, and industry careers to deliver a world-leading service across a diverse range of microbial genomics applications, including infectious disease, food safety, molecular diagnostics, and environmental monitoring.

World of Expertise
Tailored Solutions
Collaborative Thinking
Opportunity & Scalability

Your Expert Partner in Pathogen Genomics

Pathogen genomics is crucial to many modern public health, diagnostics, environmental monitoring and food safety approaches. It enables the identification and tracking of disease-causing microbes while aiding in the development of effective treatments, policies and disease prevention strategies.

We Build Capacity

We Build Capacity

Next-generation sequencing (NGS) plays a pivotal role in pathogen genomics. It offers a means to read the genetic code of disease-causing microbes and it provides critical insights into microbial diversity, evolution and key virulence factors.

Here at Theiagen Genomics, we utilize the latest NGS approaches, develop helpful resources and train personnel to the highest level. We seamlessly integrate technology and build capacity in your workflows as your expert partner in pathogen genomics.

We Train Experts

Pathogen genomics requires highly technical expertise to be done well. That’s why we offer personalized training in the latest sequencing and bioinformatics technologies tailored to your needs.

Whether it’s on-site or remote, one hour or one week, our training experts can equip  your team with the skills they need to excel.

We Train Experts

We Support you

Our comprehensive support goes beyond technical assistance – it includes a deep understanding of your data, providing flexible terms and generating key insights for workflow innovation.

Whether your project is large or small, we offer the same support regardless of your scale or throughput needs.

Team up with Theiagen today and leverage our expertise for your success.

Sample Analysis Procedure

Data Acquisition

Data Acquisition

Upload your data directly or import it from your sequencing instrument for a seamless transfer, or retrieve it from a public or private repository.

Genome Analysis

Genome Analysis

We piece together genetic information from your data to form a genome assembly. Then, we conduct Quality Control (QC), functional characterization, drug resistance and virulence prediction and pathogen specific characterization steps.

Data Acquisition

Report Generation

We generate comprehensive reports to serve as your project guide. We present your results and findings in an easy-to-read format that supports further research and proactive decision-making.

Data Acquisition

Phylogenetic Analysis

We map the evolutionary history and relationships between different organisms within your sample.  We guide you to evaluate pathogen risk and pinpoint optimal solutions.

Data Acquisition

Data Sharing

Share your data with the wider scientific community by depositing it into a public repository to ensure that your findings contribute to the broader body of knowledge. Our experts can help with the complex challenge to best practices.

Find Out What Tailored Analyses We Can Provide For Various Viruses, Fungi And Bacteria.

Pathogen Pipeline

Trusted by Peer-Reviewed Publications

Read about how our work has enabled peer-reviewed scientific papers.

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